Meet the Team

Mike and Daphne Tyllyer
Photo of Mike and Daphne Tyllyer
Mike is Church Elder and supports the Minister with pastoral matters.
Daphne leads the Acorn Toddlers and Secret Agents groups, and also leads with the annual Holiday Club outreach.
Marilyn Warne
Photo of Marilyn Warne
Marilyn is our Treasurer.
Marilyn hosts the Ladies Coffee Morning, and she also aids Daphne with Acorn Toddlers, Secret Agents and Holiday Club and assists Chris with Safeguarding and Child Protection
Chris Dyer
Photo of Chris Dyer
Chris is a deacon and leads with Safeguarding and Child Protection. Chris also works with Vivien organising Ladies events
Robert and Vivien Crocker
Photo of Robert and Vivien Crocker
Robert is a deacon and leads with IT related matters and Data Protection. Robert also organizes Men's Breakfasts.
Vivien is very involved in hospitality, especially with Pastry Sundays, and works with Chris organizing Ladies events.