Laptops for Schools
About The Project
The impact of the Coronavirus pandemic on young people has been huge. Schoolchildren are forced to study at home, away from their friends and peers, and dependant on technology for communication and learning resources. For too many yougsters, this means using shared devices - and for some, having to use totally unsuitable devices
Aldershot Churches Together has started a campaign to get more quality, usable laptops to the children who need them. ACT are liaising with local schools to identify the level of need and is working to get laptops delivered to the schools for distribution to the children who need them.
Isn't this a bit late?
True, it would have been helpful if the children could have been supplied with the equipment earlier in the pandemic. However, the use of technology in education will only increase and equipment supplied will be of great value even when things return to 'normal' in the classroom
How can we help?
There are two easy ways to help:
- Donate a laptop
- Give financially
Donate a Laptop
If you have a laptop that you no longer require, we would be pleased to receive it and pass it on. The ACT Project have engaged an engineer who will ensure that the laptop is wiped clean of any personal data, and that it is safe to use. We can accommodate minor repairs such as replacing batteries, power supplies and leads.
Laptops should be no older than Windows 7 era (so probably 10 years old at the most), and should be in reasonable condition. We do not have the resources to repair laptops with serious faults or damage, so we may have to gratefully decline any that are not easily repairable.
Give Financially
If you would like to support this financially in addition to your regular tithes and offerings, please give in the usual way but let Marilyn know that this gift is designated for Laptops for Schools (use the Contact Us page).
If you would like to review the ways you can give, please go to the About Giving page.
Want to Know More?
If you have any questions about this project, please use the Contact Us form and we'll either answer your queries ourselves or pass your question to the ACT organiser