Join our Day of Prayer on Pentecost Sunday!

I know many of you are marking Pentecost Sunday. It is a significant day. We want to invite you and your congregation to join our special Day of Prayer on Sunday 31 May at 9am and 7pm.

On the Day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit birthed the Church and launched the mission of God anew. Founded on God’s promise to send the Holy Spirit, those early disciples waited in prayer. As they prayed God responded and sent the Holy Spirit who comes with power. Let’s make the most of this opportunity to gather online in united prayer. Let’s pray for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit and a harvest of souls to the Kingdom!

As well as praying at home throughout the day, (resources can be found at you can join us on Elim’s Facebook Live at 9am and 7pm at We look forward to bringing our prayers together for the healing of our people and our land.

God Bless


Rev. Sarah Whittleston

01684 588 911
Elim International Centre | De Walden Road | West Malvern | Worcestershire | WR14 4DF