Coronavirus Updates


07 Apr 2020 12:05

Tithes and Offerings via On-Line Banking

If you're wondering how to bring your tithes and offerings while we're in this time of social distancing, a new page has been added to the website which gives the church bank details. Go to About Giving to find the information

The same page has details about Gift Aid. If you're a UK tax payer, Gift Aid can increase your donation by 25%, courtesy of HM Revenue and Customs. If you've never registered for Gift Aid, why not take the opportunity to do it now!

02 Apr 2020 10:46

Programme for week commencing Sunday 5th April

Monday to Thursday

10:00am - 'Journey through Proverbs'. Pastor Rob continues the series of 15 minute daily devotionals through the week

Wednesday 8th April

7.30pm - Prayer Meeting. A time of prayer together, seeking God for the issues of the day.

Thursday 9th April

10:30am - Ladies Coffee Morning. We can't meet at Marilyn's so we're gathering on-line to fellowship over cake and coffee.

Friday 10th April (Good Friday)

10:00am to 12 noon - Prayer for our Nation. Responding to the call to pray for our nation, we will be calling on the Lord with all kinds of prayers.

Sunday 12th April (Easter Sunday)

11:00am - Communion Service. Weekly worship service on Zoom. We will take Holy Communion together this week so please have bread and wine prepared for your own use. As usual, Pastor Rob will send out invitations to join the meeting.

02 Apr 2020 10:39

Men's Breakfast

Saturday, 4 April 09:00 – 10:30

Bring your breakfast to a comfortable place in your home, then join us for fellowship on-line! We'll be using the Zoom videoconferencing and Pastor Rob will send out invitations beforehand.

27 Mar 2020 00:07

Programme for week commencing Sunday 29th March

Sunday 29th March

11:00am - Communion Service. 1 hour service on Zoom. We will take Holy Communion together this week so please have bread and wine prepared for your own use. As usual, Pastor Rob will send out invitations to join the meeting.

Don't forget the clocks go forward 1 hour at 1am Sunday morning

Wednesday 1st April

10:00am - 'Journey through Proverbs'. Pastor Rob begins a series of 15 minute devotionals starting today and continuing Monday to Friday

7.30pm - Prayer Meeting. A time of prayer together, seeking God for the issues of the day.

23 Mar 2020 17:49

Subject: Wednesday's Prayer Meeting

This Wednesday (25th March)

The Wednesday meeting this week was scheduled to be a Home Group. In view of the current situation, we'll be holding a prayer meeting instead.

As with the successful meetings on Sunday, this will use the Zoom videoconferencing facility. Pastor Rob will open the meeting and send invitations with the meeting ID and password.

If you were not able to join the meetings on Sunday because of technical issues, please contact either Simon or Robert before Wednesday so we can get you set up and running in time to join us.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Next Wednesday (1st April)

Next Wednesday, God willing, we will continue the Introduction to Prayer Ministry with Robert.

20 Mar 2020 17:06

Subject: How do I give if I can't go to church?

The good news is there's always another way to give!

Bank Transfer

Right now, you can give by bank transfer to the church bank account. The details are:

Sort Code: 60-05-16
Account No: 18532586


Elim nationally is setting up a system for giving using a service called Givt. This will allow you to give quickly and anonymously, and automatically register for Gift Aid on your donations. This will be rolled-out over the next couple of weeks and we'll provide details of how to use it as soon as it becomes available.

19 Mar 2020 15:15

Subject: How do we continue to do church if we can't meet?

The leadership team have proposed a strategy which will allow the church to function in these difficult times and, more importantly, will help sustain the relationships which are the building blocks of the church.

Our tech team (Robert and Simon) are developing a solution which will use all available avenues to support our activities in a 'virtual' environment.

Sunday Services

We are building a live streaming capability. You will be able to connect via either YouTube or Facebook (to be decided) and watch live as Pastor Rob shares a message. We will share Holy Communion and worship together. Using WhatsApp, you will be able to send prayer requests or your own contributions to the service.

Prayer Meetings

We plan to use a video conferencing system called Zoom which will allow us to connect, share and pray together.

Home Groups

Using either the live streaming facility or Zoom (as appropriate), Home Groups will continue but we regret that you'll have to provide your own coffee and cake.

When will all this happen?

This will take time to put in place. Robert and Simon are working on it right now, but we have to design a system bearing in mind the cost implications then wait for equipment and facilities to be delivered. This is ambitious, but we aim to get the live streaming of Sunday services working for next Sunday (29th March).

There will be further updates regarding Prayer Meetings and Home Groups in due course.

This Sunday (22nd March)

For this Sunday, Pastor Rob will share a message live from his home using the Zoom videoconferencing system.


We'll be using WhatsApp and text messaging to provide an interactive element to the live streamed services. We'll also use these as a primary means of ensuring we keep in contact, and especially keep in touch with those who are isolated whether due to Coronavirus or because of their domestic situation

If you receive a message on your tablet or smart phone saying that you have been added to a WhatsApp group or inviting you to use WhatsApp, we recommend that you accept it, and install WhatsApp if you don't already have it. If you have any concerns, contact Robert.

Please revisit this page regularly to ensure you're kept informed
about what we're doing and when we're doing it.